Animate your messages!
1. Write a message
2. Create a typing video from it
3. Share it with your friends
Add extra functionalities and ease-of-use to your music playing with this iPhone and iPad app
The “Stop & Go” mode stops between each track of the playlist
The “Crossfade” mode creates smooth transitions between songs
Playlist editing is extremely simple and can be done while the music is playing
Automatic locking of the screen is disabled while the app is active
Same ease of use, more features. The ultimate iPhone and iPad music playing app.
Multiple playlists
Shuffle mode
Repeat all
Repeat 1
Crossfade setting
Enable or disable Auto-Lock
Dark mode

The simple soundboard app
Easily create soundboards with sounds from your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch library !
Load sound effects, samples, songs…
You can play multiple sounds simultaneously, the SimpleBoard app is very responsive. You can loop sounds by holding their button.
Soundboards can hold up to 8 sounds. Each soundboard adapts to your screen : if you only use one sound you will get a single button taking the entire screen.